

  • Fast 2D Complex Gabor Filter With Kernel Decomposition, IEEE TIP 2018 [download]
  • Fast Guided Global Interpolation for Depth and Motion, Springer ECCV 2016 [link]
  • SPM-BP: Sped-up PatchMatch Belief Propagation for Continuous MRFs, IEEE ICCV 2015 [link]

International Conference Tutorials

  1. Discontinuities-Preserving Image and Motion Coherence: Computational Models and Applications
    • Jiangbo Lu, Dongbo Min, and Minh N. Do
    • Half-day tutorial in IEEE Int. on Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar. 2016.
  2. Visual Correspondences: Taxonomy, Modern Approaches and Ubiquitous Applications
    • Dongbo Min, Wen-Yan Lin, Jiangbo Lu, and Minh N. Do
    • Half-day Tutorial in IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Jun. 2015
  3. Image Filtering 2.0: Efficient Edge-Aware Filtering Techniques and Their Applications
    • Jiangbo Lu, Dongbo Min, and Minh N. Do
    • Half-day Tutorial in IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Sep. 2013.

Other Talks

  1. 정합 기술자와 이산 최적화, 대한전자공학회 영상이해연구회 겨울학교, 2016.02. [download1] [download2]
  2. Recent descriptors for challenging conditions, 대한전자공학회 영상이해연구회 여름학교, 2016.08 [download]
  3. 영상의 의미론적 정합을 위한 Deep Learning 기반 특징 추출, 대한전자공학회 영상이해연구회 겨울학교, 2017.01 [download]
  4. 딥러닝 기반 영상 기술자: 이론과 응용, CICS 워크샵, 2018.10 [download]
  5. Large-scale Outdoor RGB+D dataset and Its Application to Single Image Depth Estimation, Postech 세미나, 2019.04 [download]
  6. AI와 컴퓨터비전을 위한 기초 선형대수,영상신호처리연구회 여름학교, 2019.07 [download]


  1. RGB-D Dataset  [download]
    We introduce an RGB-D scene dataset consisting of more than 200 indoor / outdoor scenes. This dataset contains synchronized RGB-D frames from both Kinect v2 and Zed stereo camera. For the outdoor scene, we first generate disparity maps using an accurate stereo matching method and convert them using calibration parameters. A per-pixel confidence map of disparity is also provided. Our scenes are captured at various places, e.g., offices, rooms, dormitory, exhibition center, street, road etc., from Yonsei University and Chungnam National University.